Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Living Into Advent

In the midst of this Advent season, characterized as it is by themes such as Hope, Peace, Joy and Love, we find ourselves faced with the challenge of manifesting those qualities in a world which often seems to be defined by fear, violence, suffering, and partisan strife. As we watch and wait and anticipate the ongoing advent of God’s presence in the world, we who claim to be followers of the Prince of Peace would do well to remember that the Babe of Bethlehem didn’t remain in the manger. He grew up and became the man who challenged all of us to love our enemies, to reach out with compassion to the last, the lost, and the least among us, to risk everything for the sake of Shalom, and to always remember that God is forever here, now, in the very midst of this life. As we move ever closer to our celebration of Christ’s birth, I invite you to join with the angels in proclaiming peace on earth and good will to all. May we do so with our words, with our actions, and with every fiber of our being.

- Pastor Roger
(keeping my feet firmly planted in the flow)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Settling In

I’ve been in Helena less than three weeks, and at the church less than two weeks. So the dust has barely settled from my recent move, but already I can tell you that I love living here and I am incredibly excited to be your pastor. You have welcomed me with such warmth and excitement. There were 96 people in worship on my first Sunday! The future is bright for this congregation as we step boldly into this new chapter together. 

As I continue settling in to life here, one of the first things I want to do is get better acquainted with each of you. I want to learn of your interests and gifts, discover what you are passionate about, and hear your stories. But first I just want to learn your names. So I invite you to help me with that process. Keep introducing yourselves to me. In a few weeks the names and faces will begin to come together in my head. Stop by the office to say hi. I always appreciate visitors. My regular office hours are Monday through Thursday from nine to noon. I’m often here at other times as well, except when I'm out making calls or taking care of church business. Feel free to call. I would also love it if you invite me into your home, or out for lunch. 

There are several ways for you to learn more about me. My sermons are available in printed form on the information table outside the sanctuary, and on-line in text & audio format here . My newsletter articles and other reflections are available on-line here. You can view my photography here. And if you are on Facebook and would like to “friend” me, you can find me here. In addition, I have a page on Facebook that features a daily dose of gratitude paired with my photography. You can find it here. If you’re not on Facebook you can also find it here

Our journey together has begun. God is in the midst of us, calling us to step out in faith. It is already clear to me that my time with you has the potential to be a very rich and exciting adventure, as we explore what it means to be the Church. 

- Pastor Roger
(keeping my feet firmly planted in the flow)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Adventure Begins

As I write these words I am being pulled in two directions at once. Part of my attention is focused on my life here in Hillsboro. My ministry at First Congregational UCC is drawing to a close and my time here is almost finished, but not yet. Staying present in the moment is an important spiritual practice for me, and in this moment that means being here in Hillsboro. At the same time, however, part of my attention is focused on my new life in Helena. Words are simply not adequate to describe how excited I am regarding what is about to unfold for us at Plymouth Congregational Church. I am so very grateful for your vote of confidence in me. Please know that I accepted your call because I have confidence in you. I believe that together we are about to embark on a remarkable journey of faith. But not quite yet. First I get to conclude my 18-month transitional ministry here in Oregon. There is packing and loading and moving to be done, good-byes to to be said, many and assorted details to deal with. Soon, however, I will be unpacking boxes in my new office. Soon I will be exploring the landscape of my new home. Soon I will be worshiping with you. And soon we will be figuring out where we go from here on this journey to which God is calling us. For now I am here, but soon I will be there, and then “there” will have become “here” and “then” will have become “now.” I look forward to what comes next. Please plan to join me on the adventure.

- Pastor Roger
(keeping my feet firmly planted in the flow)