Friday, May 31, 2019

Summer Is Upon Us

As we move into the summer season things around the church tend to slow down. There’s lots to do during this beautiful time of year, and sometimes that keeps folks away from church. Sacred Presence can be experienced in nature as well as in the sanctuary, so go enjoy. But I would invite you to not forget about us completely. We slow down but we don’t shut down. If you are in town on Sundays please join us for worship. Remember to continue your financial support, because the bills still need to be paid. And there are some important things happening in our UCC Conference that you might consider participating in. See articles elsewhere in this edition of the Waymarks about upcoming meetings related to Camp Mimanagish in June and July, and the Conference Annual Meeting in August. Enjoy your summer, and please remember that whether I see you or not I will continue to hold you in prayer.

- Pastor Roger
(keeping my feet firmly planted in the flow)