Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What Does It Mean To Be Church?

What does it mean to be Church? The answer, of course, is multi-faceted, varied, and complicated. The specifics also change over time. And it is a good question to ponder on a regular basis. Being Church, the Body of Christ, followers of Jesus, is, by definition, a big deal which is not to be taken lightly. We are more than just another community based non-profit organization (although we share many characteristics with such groups). We are more than just a self-help support group. To be as fully and richly who we are called to be requires that we look within ourselves and beyond ourselves. We need to pay attention to what's happening in the world around us, and allow our responses to be shaped by a Sacred Presence which is beyond our capacity to fully comprehend. Being Church involves recognizing the threads which bind us together with everyone and everything. We are invited to experience the ultimate reality of our unity over against the illusion of our separation. Being Church calls forth from us qualities of compassion, creativity, and caring. It inspires generosity and gratitude. It empowers us to become the very embodiment of Love. Being Church is about so much more than showing up for an hour of worship on Sunday morning. When we take it seriously it is about the choices we make and the actions we take and the qualities we embrace in every single moment of our living. Together may we continue to explore the rich dimensions of this amazing calling.

- Pastor Roger
(keeping my feet firmly planted in the flow)

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