Friday, July 1, 2016

Summer in Montana

Summer is upon us and with it comes a change of pace. For some folks summer is a time to shift into a slower gear. For others it doesn’t really slow down but it does provide different opportunities. Around the church we take a break from some things, such as less meetings, for example. But one thing that doesn’t change is the importance of staying connected – with God and with each other. Whatever shape your summer takes, whether it is picnics by the lake, time in the garden, or travel with family and friends, remember to be on the lookout for encounters with the Sacred. Savor the gift of slowing down so you might recognize the surprising ways God is seeking to get your attention. Join us for worship when you’re in town, and let us know what you’re up to when you’re not in town so we can hold you in prayer. Make it a spiritual practice to expand your awareness of the many ways in which God accompanies you as you travel through your days. May your summer be filled with holy encounters, and may you notice.

- Roger
(keeping my feet firmly planted in the flow)