Thursday, November 9, 2017

Remembering to Celebrate and Give Thanks

It is my turn to provide the Pastor's Column for our local newspaper (the Helena Independent Record). 
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We get busy. We get distracted. We get overwhelmed. And we forget to celebrate the blessings of life. The blessings don't stop coming just because we forget. Indeed, it is my firm conviction that we live abundant lives in an abundant world. The bounteous gifts of God are beyond measure or comprehension. But all too often we forget to notice. And in so doing our experience of life is diminished. Our experience of God is diminished. It's a bit like starving in a room full of gourmet food because we were too busy or too distracted to look around and notice that the feast was there. Remembering to celebrate keeps us in touch with the fullness of life and helps us integrate the blessings into our living.