Thursday, August 30, 2018

Celebrating My Gifts . . . And Yours!!!

I am a poet, a photographer, a flute player, a dancer, a preacher, a dad, a grandfather, a partner, a grateful human being. All of these things bring joy and a sense of purpose to my life. And whenever I start comparing myself with someone else I say things like “I’m not a very good poet” and “I’m a mediocre photographer” and “I wish I could play the flute like my brother” and . . . You get the idea. It’s never a helpful path to follow, and it never leads me anywhere useful. I just end up feeling bad, and the joy and purpose are nowhere to be found. But when I manage to remember that any such comparisons are inherently false then I begin to find my way back into the light where joy and purpose flow freely. I am not simply a poor imitation of someone else. I am wonderfully and uniquely myself, with my own God-given gifts, touching the world as only I can. And the same is true for every other person on the planet. When we compare ourselves with others we generate an “us vs. them” energy. When we simply celebrate who we are and the gifts we have been given then we begin to generate an “all of us together” energy. We are freed to really appreciate our own gifts and the gifts of everyone else as well. Plymouth Congregational Church is a vital and vibrant congregation not because we are all the same, but because we choose to celebrate and share our individual uniquenesses so that God can shine through us and touch the world. Together may we learn to celebrate and shine.
- Pastor Roger
(keeping my feet firmly planted in the flow)