Tuesday, April 30, 2019

It Takes A Village . . .

“It takes a village to raise a child.” This bit of folk wisdom speaks to us of the value and, indeed, the essential necessity, of living life in community. The same sentiment is true when applied to Church. It is not a solitary endeavor. None of us can do it alone. For the Church to accomplish its mission requires the active participation of each of us and all of us, working together for the common good and the benefit of the whole world. This plays out in a whole variety of ways both large and small. On Sunday mornings I watch the official ushers and greeters welcoming people as they come in for worship, and I also observe the countless other people who are not on “official” greeter duty that morning also helping to make people feel welcome. When we have fellowship events such as the after-worship gatherings in the Fireside Room and the occasional potluck meals, there are lots of folks who sign up to bring food and take care of the various details required to make things run smoothly, and there are also others who just pitch in to get things done without being asked. During worship we collect an offering which enables us to keep the doors open and to reach out beyond ourselves to touch the world with God’s love and grace and compassion. None of us on our own could make all of that happen, but when all of us join together, each contributing our own unique gifts, the results are truly remarkable. “It takes a village . . .” Plymouth is such a village. Thank you.

– Pastor Roger
(keeping my feet firmly planted in the flow)

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